Sign Up To Help Putnam Conservation Group With Butterfly Count

PUTNAM, N.Y. – The Kent Conservation Advisory Committee (KCAC) announced that its inaugural Butterfly Count will be held on Saturday, July 18, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Photo Credit: Beth Herr

The count begins at the Nimham Multiple Use Area on Gipsy Trail Road in Putnam.

The event's aim is to aid both the North American Butterfly Association (NABA) and Kent's Natural Resource Inventory by finding as many butterflies as possible.

By compiling the results in a certain area, scientists can track changes in the butterfly population and how weather and the habitat affect the numbers.

KCAC chairwoman Beth Herr will lead the hike and help track butterfly sightings and look for butterfly eggs, caterpillars, and chrysalides.

“Participants will learn about the habits and habitats of these brilliant insects, visiting four different meadows by caravan. Of course, we may well enjoy seeing other summer delights which are likely to be found in the tall grass fields and forest edges,” Herr said.

Herr also says that binoculars aren't really necessary to track, your own eyes are enough. She also suggests a wardrobe of sturdy shoes and long pants for all attendees.

The rain date for the event is Sunday, July 19, at the same time and place. Since butterflies instinctively stay under cover on rainy days, trying to count in rain would be difficult.

Registration is required, and to confirm your place, call Herr at (845)-228-5635

Anyone over the age of six is welcome to attend.

For more information on butterflies and butterfly counts, go to the NABA website at

More information about the KCAC can be found at their website, go to

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